Sunday, January 10, 2016

Lesson 11 :Where are you going?

Hello everybody.
Lesson today is 'Where are you going?'

This conversation will very useful if you have Japanese friend.
 and If not have,Just learn it!
Let's start!
たなかしゅうまつ どこに いきますか。
さとうはこねに いきます。
たなかわたしは どようび ロンドンに いきます。
さとうロンドン? しゅっちょうですか。
さとういつ にほんに かえりますか。
たなからいしゅうの きんようび かえります。
and it's translate here.

Tanaka:Where are you going for the weekend?
Satoo:I'm going to Hakone. How about you?
Tanaka:I'm going to London on Saturday.
Satoo:London? Is it a business trip?
Tanaka:Yes, it is.
Satoo:When will you come back to Japan?
Tanaka:I will be back next Friday.
 しゅっちょう = business trip
きんようび   = Friday

My own opinion : This lesson is basic conversation.if you can use this it will useful for travel in japan

Ok. lesson is over now.

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